Top 10 Medical Record-Keeping Deficiencies (1 hour)

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You've completed the two-hour course on "Veterinary Medical Records" and are ready to advance your knowledge OR you need a quick refresher. Either way, this condensed one-hour course will break down ten common medical record-keeping errors as evidenced by state veterinary medical board license disciplinary actions. The case examples will allow us to dive deeper into specific scenarios that may land veterinarians in trouble and highlight how to avoid these common mistakes. The course will reinforce how to draft a legally defensible medical record and incorporate best practices for improved patient care. It will also satisfy the one hour medical record requirement for Michigan. RACE Program # 1078-44183.

"This is an excellent, well thought out, concise and valuable lesson. It is a must not only for old guys like me but for any veterinarian trying to increase his or her chances of staying out of trouble in these client complaint-happy times. I enjoyed it and highly recommend it."

- Jim Humphreys, DVM, Retired in Texas

Your Instructor

Sarah L. Babcock, DVM, JD
Sarah L. Babcock, DVM, JD

Dr. Sarah Babcock is a licensed veterinarian and attorney. She provides both online and live continuing education to help her colleagues fulfill their lifelong obligation to the continual improvement of professional knowledge and competence, as well as satisfy state licensing requirements.

Her active engagement in professional associations, academia, and small animal medicine helps to ensure that the courses offered are applicable to veterinary practice, reflect the needs of the profession, and encourage compliance with evolving veterinary medical law, ethics, and standards of care.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
You will have three months to complete the course. It is on demand so you can complete it on your schedule.
Has this webinar been approved by the VHMA or RACE?
This webinar is not RACE or CVPM-approved. However, it has been submitted and pending approval.